Installation instructions can be found on the official eID website.

Note that for every supported distribution, there are three repositories:

  1. The release repository, containing officially released versions of the eID middleware. This repository is recommended for most users.
  2. The candidate repository, containing packages automatically built when commits are pushed to the branch from which the next release will be based (e.g., the v4.1 branch). This should in theory only receive bug fixes, and should therefore be relatively safe to use.
  3. The continuous repository, containing packages automatically built when commits are made to the master branch. Changes to this branch may be much more volatile in nature, and therefore should be treated with a healthy level of suspicion.

To avoid accidents, the two latter repositories are not signed by the same GPG key as the first one. They are, instead, signed by the "continuous releases" key:

D954 26E3 09C0 4929 90D8  E8E2 824A 5E00 10A0 4D46

Exports of both the official key and the continuous key can be found in the root directory of this repository archive site.

Repository configuration for the two development repositories is shipped with the eid-archive package, but it is not enabled by default. To enable, do the following (examples for the "continuous" repository):

yum --enablerepo=beid-continuous upgrade
Recent versions of Fedora have reimplemented yum as dnf, with which this should still work.
zypper mr -e beid-continuous; zypper up
Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/eid.list, and remove the comment character before the candidate line, changing it to say continuous. Then, run dpkg-reconfigure eid-archive to enable the continuous archive key, followed by apt-get update and apt-get -t continuous upgrade.

While testing of the candidate and continuous repositories is welcome, please note that they are not supported. Use at your own risk.